In response to the International Convention on Biological Diversity, the seeds
are supplied to other botanical gardens and research institutions on the following conditions:
1) The seeds will be used for the common good in the areas of research, education, conservation and the development of botanical gardens;
2) Information on the material will be appropriately stored and the connection between the information and the material will be maintained;
3) If scientific publications are produced on the plant material provided, the origin of the material must be cited.
In addition, the garden would expect to receive a copy of these publications.
4) Permission must be sought from the garden if the recipient seeks to commercialise either the genetic material, its products or research derived from it.
Such commercialisation will be subject to the conditions of a separate agreement with the country of origin.
5) In case of material becoming invasive in the recipients region, the garden takes no responsibility for the consequences.
6) Norwegian authorities do not issue relevant phytosanitary certificates for seed exchange. Seeds will only be sent if the receiving garden has contacted their regional authority and received written proof of exemption from phytosanitary requirements.
By ordering seed or other plant material, the recipient accepts and pledges to respect the above conditions.
The University Gardens, University of Bergen, Norway (BG), 2025.